trials result like what only... so far fail 2 subjects that is BC and MM... Sad.. hmm this few days also didnt go any where also la. Skol also normal. but out of the sudden that 2 of my class mate give me a new address - "sayang" lolz... anggap me as their gf ah? hahah yeah la sometimes i ingnore also la. i follow the same route with another class mate , they all fight. haha thats fun... the most fun part was after recess during SJ period... kinda get Saiful to talk abt his experience about.....(sensored) huahuahua... his story was interesting with additional action some more, there were Eliana, Liyana(Main), Mardiana, Adibah, Hanisah and Me. Saiful is abit mentally retarded, but he still can talk also do other stuff like normal people, just that he easily get "high" in such as way that he will laugh at his self .... (Wanna know why?)Lolz.. his expose to too much of unsuitable movie which we are still underage for it. But u will know once u get to know him... Liyana was the one talking the most. asking question this and that. Saiful is smart in this but he looks abit dump somehow. "Dont judge a book by its cover"...
Seni period didnt do anything la, help teacher arrange some notes and got 2 coupon of SAHSIA TERPUJI... actually we are having a KEMPEN AMALAN BERBUDI BAHASA. so in order to get a pin of it, we have to get 8 of the SAHSIA TERPUJI to exchange a pin. So far i have 6 already, 2 more that i get to exchange a pin. woohoo... hey PMR coming soon: Iise, Robert, Jeromy, SHaun, Vennessa, Andrea K and Andrea S... All the best yeah.. AS well as for SPM students: Me, Avril, Rebecca, Edwin, Hui Ern, Adrian Ong... May Gob Bless You